Learning Horizon | For Learners


Tuesday, 23 April 2019

How To Install Apache Server On Red Hat Linux System Offline

Today, we will learn about how to install Apache server on Red Hat Linux machine without internet. In many organizations internet access to system is not allowed due to security purposes or it requires approval from your management to get internet access which is time consuming. So, this tutorial is for all of you folks who don’t want to bear that hassle. I’ve used Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 vm (virtual machine) for this purpose.


  1. Make sure you have already mounted Linux .ISO file and setup your local yum repository. If you don’t know the procedure or not yet setup the yum repository then please read my previous post on this topic.


  1. Open the terminal on Linux machine and type below command to search Apache web server package on yum repository. Mentioned below are the result of this command. Apache2.4 is the latest version of Apache web server at the time of writing this post.
    yum search httpd

  2. Use below mentioned command to install apache on your Linux machine.
    yum install <package name> i.e. Yum install httpd24.x86_64

  3. If you don’t know about each package from above list mentioned in screen shot just simply type below command. It will install everything starts with httpd.
    Yum install httpd*

  4. To verify if apache is installed or not please use below command. If this command doesn’t return any result it means apache is not installed on this machine.
    rpm -qa | grep httpd

  5. Finally, you need to start apache server by using below mentioned command.
    service httpd start

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